Vulnerability Management: Why Taking a Risk-Based Approach is Important

Vulnerability Management: Why Taking a Risk-Based Approach is Important Technology and the threat landscape are constantly evolving, leaving organisations exposed to new risks. Managing security...

Do AI Tools Pose a Security Risk to Businesses?

Do AI Tools Pose a Security Risk to Businesses? With the increasing prevalence of AI (artificial intelligence)  tools for businesses, many have taken this opportunity...

Steps to Simplify Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus Recertification

Steps to Simplify Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus Recertification   To maintain a valid Cyber Essentials certificate, organisations must complete the recertification process every...

Why Your Business Is More Susceptible to Attack Over the Festive Season

Why Your Business Is More Susceptible to Attack Over the Festive Season   Often, the festive season sees a good majority of businesses slowing down...

The Ransomware Ecosystem: RaaS, Extortion and the Impact on Your Business

The Ransomware Ecosystem:  RaaS, Extortion and the Impact on Your Business   “Ransomware continues to be the most significant, serious and organised cyber crime threat faced by the UK.” – James Babbage, NCA Director ...

20 Key Statistics For 20 years of Cyber Security Awareness Month

20 Key Statistics For 20 years of Cyber Security Awareness Month As of June 2023 it has been 20 years since experts at GCHQ were...

What are the Different Types of Penetration Testing?

What are the Different Types of Penetration Testing? Penetration testing, which can also be known as pen testing, is a process that is used to...

PODCAST | Working in Cyber Security: The Skills Gap, Recruitment and Diversity

PODCAST | Working in Cyber Security: The Skills Gap, Recruitment and Diversity Listen to our latest podcast episode below called Working in Cyber Security: The...

Podcast | The Myriad of Detection and Response Acronyms

The Myriad of Detection and Response Acronyms   Right now, there’s a lot of buzz in the security industry around detection and response technologies and associated...

Podcast | Being Real With Cyber Security: The Implications of Emerging Apps

‘It’s Time to BeReal’. In our latest podcast, we’re joined by a guest, Georgia, to talk about the popular app, BeReal. We explore the risks...

Podcast | Deep Dive: Cyber Essentials and Updates

Here we go again… continuing our discussion on Cyber Essentials but with a focus on the technical aspects of Cyber Essentials Plus and looking at...

Ey-Up! What’s Securin’? The Data Connect Podcast

We are excited to announce the launch of our brand new podcast, What’s Securin’? At Data Connect we help organisations of all sizes improve their...