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| Cyber Resilience,

The Benefits Of Outsourcing Your Cyber Security

The past few years have seen a shift in attitudes towards the importance of cyber security. As a result, organisations are starting to have a heightened awareness of current threats and risks. However, the number of cyber attacks year on year is rapidly increasing, faster than the societal shift. In a world where whole cities can be disrupted, even countries, it is time for you to strengthen your organisation’s cyber security defences.

In our latest blog, we are covering the benefits of outsourcing your cyber security and how it can help protect your business.


Be guided with the support of experts in the field

This year, the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS) reported that 51% of businesses have a basic cyber security skills gap. The companies in question do not have the skills to complete tasks linked with the government backed scheme, Cyber Essentials, and do not have any assistance from external providers.

Those who offer cyber security consultancy and managed services have the relevant experience and knowledge, plus the additional understanding of industry developments to provide you with the most up to date knowledge of the threat landscape and access to industry leading technology.

Giving an external party this level of responsibility may be daunting and some individuals may even feel like they are going to be judged for the current state of their cyber security health. However, it is important to remember that cyber security companies are here to assist your team and offer external verification of your practices by experts who solely concentrate on cyber security and have years of experience in this area alone. This leaves your staff the time to concentrate on other fundamental areas within the business or IT.


Cost efficiency and reducing the strain on tight budgets

One very obvious benefit of outsourcing, which can be applied to both outsourcing your cyber security or other services, is cost-effectiveness. Involving another company to support you in developing a cyber security strategy and keeping your company protected from cyber attacks, means you won’t need to pay the salary of somebody to specialise in-house.

According to a recent Mimecast report, 95% of respondents believed their cyber resilience had been impaired by insufficient funding. Unfortunately, there are a broad range of reasons why cyber security isn’t given the necessary budget needed. One reason we have seen is that organisations don’t heavily invest until they are involved in a serious breach themselves. To complicate the matter further, cyber security budgets are often tied in with IT budgets. With the current shift to remote working and cloud services, there are a lot of other developments that need IT funding too.

For smaller enterprises with a limited budget, partnering with a third-party cyber security company is the preferred solution.


Free up time and limited resources

At Data Connect we regularly speak with organisations who admit they simply do not have the time and resources to dedicate to cyber security alone. Many IT teams and departments are left to handle this alongside many of their other daily tasks.

Much like any other outsourced service, when you take away the tasks of one department and hand them over to another (in this case the cyber security company), you help to save time and also alleviate any pressure they may have been feeling as a result of these tasks. This is important at this time, with many IT professionals choosing to leave the industry due to the amount of strain and pressure on them.

A key aspect of working with a cyber security company is that organisations who cannot afford all the technology solutions needed for effective protection can obtain access through their third-party provider. Depending on the partner, these tools are often industry leading solutions that are usually only available to large enterprises due to the price.


Ongoing improvements to your cyber security posture

With the resources provided by a cyber security company, together you can make strategic improvements and take the necessary steps to mature your cyber security strategy.

At Data Connect we can provide you with one platform, known to us and our customers as the vSOC Connect Console. This provides you with an all-in-one view of your cyber security, giving you full visibility and allows you to easily manage your organisation’s cyber security, all with the support from our in-house experienced SOC team.

The vSOC platform allows you to pick and choose from a range of technical expertise and managed services, plus consultancy offerings to provide you visibility into an array of areas such as, firewall management, Cyber Essentials, vulnerability management, threat intelligence, awareness training and more.

Choosing the right cyber security partner is important. At Data Connect, we believe it’s important to have a strong relationship with our customers, helping our team to fully understand your scope, offer the best consultancy advice and assistance if you have any security issues.

To find out more about Data Connect or our vSOC Connect Console, get in touch with our team today.

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