Private Key

A similar concept to a password, yet rather than using characters, private keys create digital signatures, which are often randomly generated long...

1224 February 14, 2023
Personal Firewall

Security software installed onto an individual’s PC or other computer to control incoming and outgoing traffic.

1223 February 14, 2023
Personal Data

Data and information that relates to a specific identifiable person. This can include surnames, phone numbers to IP addresses.

1222 February 14, 2023
Patch Management

The regular process of identifying, deploying, downloading, and applying ‘updates’ to a system and application software. These updates are known as patches.

1221 February 14, 2023

Applying updates to firmware or software to improve security and/or enhance functionality.

1220 February 14, 2023

A software or operating system update to correct security vulnerabilities.

1219 February 14, 2023
Password Protected

A type of access control technique to ensure data can only be accessed with the right credentials.

1218 February 14, 2023

A word, phrase or sequence of characters used to authenticate access.

1215 February 14, 2023

Proxies are used to make connections on behalf of another device. These are helpful in hiding your details from exposure, however, they...

853 January 19, 2023
Privilege Access Management (PAM)

The active management of accounts with elevated privileges, such as IT or Management staff. It is a good practice to only use...

852 January 19, 2023
Port Scanning

A tool used in the reconnaissance stage of an attack. The attacker scans an IP to discover if any vulnerable ports are...

850 January 18, 2023